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In 2014
The Living Tradition of Ryijy - Finnish Rugs and their Makers 31.5.2014–2.11.2014, American Swedish Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (ca. 40 ryijys)

Ryijy élö hagyománya, 23.1.2014-23.4.2014, Iseum Savariensis, Szombathely, Hungary (ca. 40 ryijys)

A ryijy elö hagyomanya. A Finn Szönyeg 1707–2012 között. Tuomas Sopanen Gyüjtemény. Néprajzi Múseum, Budapest Magyarország, 22.6.2013–5.1.2014 (106 ryijyk).

The Ryijy Lives on. Finnish Ryijy-textiles 1707-2012. From the collection of Tuomas Sopanen. Ethnographic Museum, Budapest, Hungary 22.6.2013–5.1.2014 (106 ryijys representing the history of ryijy-textiles from 18th century to the present).

In 2013
A living tradition. Finnish Ryijy-Rugs 1797-2009. Tophane-i-Amire, Istanbul, Turkey, 3.4.2013-28.4.2013

In 2011:
Kuopio: about February–April

In 2010:
Oulu: about February–March
Pietarsaari: about July–September
Tammisaari: about November–January 2011

In 2009:
Kajaani Art Museum: 1.2.–22.3.2009
North Carelian Museum, Joensuu, 23.4.–20.8.2009
In the summer 2009, about 15 ryijys from the collection can be seen as part of the RYIJY exhibition of the Design Museum in Helsinki.

THE RYIJY-RUG LIVES ON, Finnish Ryijy-Rugs 1778–2008
- an exhibition 9.5.–28.9.2008 in Varkaus Art Museum

Kelim - Nomadic Carpets from the Steppes of Asia
- an exhibition at Varkaus City Library 5.7.–28.9.2008

Folk Jewellery from Far Away
- an exhibition in the glass cabinets of Varkaus City Library 5.7.–28.9.2008

© Tuomas Sopanen, Lauri Tuomenoksa 2016