Tuomas Sopanen, Leena Willberg
THE RYIJY-RUG LIVES ON, Finnish Ryijy-Rugs 1778–2008
The book The Ryijy-Rug Lives on tells the history of the Finnish ryijy-rug from a sleeping cover used in boats during the Viking period to a modern art textile which has gained great international appreciation. The story of the ryijy-rug tells about the modes of use, making and decoration in different periods. It also tells how the ryijy adapted itself to the conditions in different periods. About two hundred Finnish ryijys from 1778 to 2008 have been presented in the book. It includes most of the folk ryijy types, with the exception of the very oldest ones. These are many examples of the trends and styles of the 1900´s and 2000´s as well as works of many of the most appreciated art ryijy designers. The book is based on the collection of Tuomas Sopanen, which contains over 200 ryijys. This is apparently the 4th largest ryijy collection in Finland, including the museums. A special feature of the book is that in addition of pictures and verbal descriptions of each ryijy, there is a large detail photo of most of them, bringing out the structure, the softness and the beauty of the colours.
The Ryijy Rug-Lives on has been rewarded 15.01.2009 with the book price of the year 2008 of the Finnish Art Society (together with the publisher Musta Taide). The price is given to works or persons, who have significantly contributed to the Finnish art literature or knowledge on art. (see Estimations)
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Sopanen - Willberg
The Ryijy-Rug Lives on
Finnish Ryijy-Rugs 1778 - 2008, 395 pages